Hikaru no Go Bases, Episode 2

Mar 23, 2011 16:11

Okay, I know it's been a long time. Just over a year, in fact. There are a lot of different reasons for that, a good deal of it being pure laziness, but I figure that at some point I really should continue with this. I have the first 10 episodes screencapped on my computer, after all, so I'm more than 10% into it already. Might as well, right? Also I'm insane.  Anyway, this is the second of MANY parts of my bases project.

Episode 1 is here.

More Notes/Rules/Etc:
1. NO HOTLINKING -PLEASE-. It's not fair to other people if your hotlinking causes the base to disappear because the bandwidth has been exceeded. Save it to your computer or some other web based site or something.
2. They're just bases- you can do whatever you want with them and no credit is required. ^^ Use textures, text, all that stuff if you want to. Be creative!
3. With that in mind, comments would be awesome (but obviously not required either). And it would be REALLY shiny if you showed me your end product if you messed with them, just because I'm curious.
4. There are a few shots here I cropped a couple of different ways. If you would like the original screencap so you can do your own cropping for whatever project you're doing, just let me know which one(s) you want and I'll get them to you.
5. On quality: These are screenshots from fansubbed, downloaded episodes. They are NOT DVD quality, unfortunately, and sometimes this results in base quality that's less than ideal. I've done my best to leave subtitles out of the original screenshots and especially the bases, but that's not always possible with this sort of thing. All I can say is... I tried, and if you want to give it a shot, at least you know which episode it came from? ^^;;; I included bad ones because maybe people would want them anyway, and photoshop can do miraculous things, so I figured it was better to leave them. Also, I did no alterations from the original screencaps aside from cropping.
6. Photoshop uploads these strangely sometimes, so it puts things in whatever order it feels like. In other words, they aren't necessarily in order.































Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble
  Edit: The spacing is weird on the table. No, I don't know why, I copy/pasted just like before. O_o Sorry.

hikaru no go, bases, iconning, icons

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