(no subject)

Sep 05, 2010 04:00

...holy crap, didn't I post anything before this? Oh, right, I lost it after lappy decided to overheat. Bah.>_< So let's run through some stuff, yeah?

☁Regarding LJ's recent fail: FAIL, LJ. COMPLETE FAIL. This kind of goes without saying, and I don't think anybody would actually be dumb enough to do this, but if anybody does the facebook/twitter link thing to anything on my journal- public or locked- you'll find yourself off my friendslist. Yes, I have a few LJ people on Facebook, but overall, these circles are separate FOR A REASON- just like I don't have my LJ linked to my facebook for a reason. I complain about people on my facebook here WAAAAY too much to want them to actually know about my LJ, okay?

☁FFXIII- Kait talked me through Odin and so I'm unstuck, at... Palompolum now. Am hating Hope a little less. Kind of wanted him to kill Snow. Need to play that more. :/

☁Work driving me crazy. I really, really need a vacation. So badly it hurts. Doesn't help that I've been totally exhausted lately, I'm getting over a cold, so... yeah. Fun stuff. Of course, that's also why I haven't really written lately... ^_^;;;

☁Have glasses. They're less rectangular looking than I remember them being, which is good. It's also totally possible that I just wasn't SEEING them correctly originally. XD Either way, they're not bad, and I have some sunglass clippies for them, which is awesome. Especially since when the sun sets at work, the light is directly in my face. People look at me weird for having sunglasses on for that little bit, but hey, I'm rocking it. :P

☁Still doing the maintaining thing weight-wise, but I've been snacking way too much lately even when I'm already full. I'm trying to curb this- I bought a shiny new electric toothbrush today, and when I feel I'm done eating for the day, I'm going to brush my teeth and hopefully that will keep me from running to get a snack every five minutes because my teeth are nice and *~clean~*. It's been working for a good 3 hours now, so... ^_^

☁Plane tickets are purchased- I'll definitely be going to Texas in October~ I even bought a new bathing suit for the occasion. The good news is that it's a 12-14 and it FITS! \o/ The bad news is that it doesn't fit my boobs. Not even close. D: So... I'll keep it and maybe it'll fit next year. Right? :D In the meantime... I guess I need to find another suit. I'm hoping I can find the one I had before so I can at least see if that still fits, but so far it's not turning up.

.......and clearly I need to go to bed if I'm misspelling words like "occasion". *stares at self*

work, fail, travel, lj, getting skinny, gaming

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