1. Is it just me that's sick to DEATH of hearing about the fucking economy every other breath? I KNOW, OKAY? I KNOW. I don't need to hear about it twenty thousand times a day. I'm stressed enough about the financial situation in my personal life without listening to everyone else yammer on about how bad everything is. SHUT UP!
*breathes* Had to get that out. Sorry. ^_^;;;
2. Finally got some new work pants, because I couldn't put it off any longer. Seriously, there are two big holes on both inner thighs of the one pair I had left. XDDD I meant to get the couple of new ones a bit bigger so they'd be more comfortable for stuff like doing signs (involves a lot of squatting and up and down)......... shouldn't have gone up quite so high. They're not falling off me or anything, but... it kinda looks like I'm borrowing someone else's (much larger) pants. Oh well. Still better than what I've got. And they're only for work, so they're going to get destroyed anyway.
It was weird, though, when Kelly was looking at them and going, "Are you sure you got the right size? These look......... um, Omar the Tent Maker." XDDDDDDD Thanks, Kel.
3. New Suikoden game coming out on the DS next month. *SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!*
4. Not much else going on lately, honestly, which is why I haven't been journaling all that much. It's just... the same old issues. A lot of stressing. A LOT. Part of it's work, part of it's money (the stress there, really, mostly comes down to my hospital bills. If I could pay those off I'd be MUCH happier), part of it's my mother as always..... and a good portion of it too is Kelly, who is driving me up the fucking wall. Because she's bored, and so expects me to entertain her. Um, no. Here's a thought, get a job. Or if you can't do that, at least stop whining in my ear about how you want me to do something with you every five minutes. No, I don't. She's going to be 23 years old next month. You'd think she'd know how to amuse herself by now.
...oh, right, she did amuse herself today while I was gone. She was working on cleaning her side of the room and therefore completely blocked my bed. Fuuuuuuuuuck. And I also found out today that she lost my third Phoenix Wright game. I am NOT happy.
5. Eagerly awaiting episode 12 of Junjou Romantica, but at the same time, it's also the last episode. *sigh* So there's some sadness there. Hopefully they'll do another season? :D :D :D :D
Need to catch up to Tales of the Abyss, too. There's probably at least one episode I need to watch. But firefox has been giving me such issues lately when it comes to playing video that I dread watching anything that's not downloaded. Though I have now acquired the Prince of Tennis Semifinals, so I'm watching those. All I have to say right now is... what the HELL was the coach on when she thought up the doubles one pair?!
......on that note, I really should unbury my bed. Well. At least make it so I can get to it. ^_^;;; Night all!
*EDIT* Actually, apparently one good thing came out of Kelly doing some cleaning... she found my other winter glove while going through her stuff, the one I've been looking for since November or so! So I have gloves again! *cheers*