1. I am apparently a bitch for not being clairvoyant. Pssh. Whatever, mom. How am I supposed to hear you from across the parking lot, or see you, when I think you're in your room and therefore aren't expecting you outside in the slightest? Why would I look? Don't assume I saw you and ignored you, because I didn't. I know how much you think I like to get yelled at, but I really don't. >_<
2. Christmas sucks and needs to be over. Like, ages ago.
3. No power at work on Friday. At all. We ended up closing the store at 5pm, actually, because by then it was dark and cold and it was a safety issue. We'd lost power around 7am that morning and I was told it didn't come back on till midnight. Suuuuuuck. I mean, kinda cool since I got to go home early, but I didn't need to lose the hours either. At least they have to pay me for four hours since I was there, so I'm not losing as much as I would've otherwise.
Oh, and when I made that voice post saying we'd lost power? It didn't come back on for another eight hours or so. Needless to say, I just went to bed. ^_^;;;
4. Also suck? Co-workers. Three cases in point:
a) One of the digital machines went down Friday. Scott knew about this. I got everything back up and running, sort of, but there was a licensing issue that I couldn't figure out how to fix. Busy all weekend, mentioned it to Scott on Monday in the context of "we probably need to call Kodak". (Because he, more often than not, has an extra person in the lab in the mornings, whereas I don't at night. He has more time to play around with.) He was like, yeah, yeah. I got in on Thursday after two days off and there's a packet sitting on the counter. He was like, "Oh, I didn't get a chance to do this, blahblahblah" I looked at it afterward- you know what it was? INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIXING A LICENSING ISSUE. Which was dated OVER THE FUCKING SUMMER. So he HAD this, knew about the issue, and didn't bother to give me what I needed to fix said problem. I was like......... so basically, this machine has been down for almost a week for NO REASON. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
b) (Related to A) On Saturday, Assistant Manager Dickhead came up to me while I was trying to fix problem described before. He bitched at me because the machine was down, and I told him that I was working on it. Like, literally, right then I was working on it. After that whole conversation, he went, "Oh, so while you're just screwing around, do thisthisthisandthis." .......................................................................................................................................................... WHAT THE HELL?! You bitch at me because the machine is down and then when I'm trying to fix the damn thing I'm just "screwing around"? Fuck you.
c) Stephanie. (This is a different person than my friend Stef, just want to clarify.) Oh how I hate you. Saturday, we were trying to recover from not having power the previous day, it was busy as hell, so on and so on. First of all, she was bitching that she had to ring. .......shut up. You're a cashier. Deal with it. You're not even ringing main, you're backup. I know you're up here a lot, but IT'S BUSY. Second of all... I was dealing with several customers at once, so she ended up helping this one woman who came up looking for greeting cards she'd sent online. Which we had no record of. So either lady screwed it up, or... well, lady screwed it up. Bottom line. Stephanie snapped at ME after the fact, telling me that the lady had bitched at her, and how I needed to deal with those kinds of customers, and so on. With all kinds of attitude. Okay... she has been trained in photo. You can't pick just the parts of it you like and ignore the rest. There's unpleasant parts of this job (i.e. Kodak incompetence, customer incompetence, so on....) Second of all, she wants to be a manager. Granted it's only so she doesn't have to ring, but still. You don't think you're going to have to deal with that sort of thing when you're a shift? Please. Grow the fuck up. Besides, if I'd dealt with her, she would've had to wait about fifteen minutes because I already had my hands full, and then she would've been pissed off about the wait too.
So it's been fun.... not so much. I really, really need to be working on my
fifthmus fic. Which is not started yet. Shiiiiiiiiit. Thank god it's only 500 words this time.