NaBloPoMo Day 18- Back timed because LJ was down for the count this afternoon~

Nov 18, 2008 13:31

1. I forgot LJ was down and tried to look at my friends list. Whoops? ....I am an idiot, clearly.

2. It. Is. Fucking. SNOWING. >_< ASHJKHFJKDS DO NOT WANT! SO not cool. Fucking mother nature.

3. Mom really needs to go to work already, I'm starving and I want to go get Chinese. :3

4. Started working on a "public" page at myanimelist. I figure it's probably about time. Mainly, I've cut out things that involve shoujo-ai/yuri or excessive nudity (in other words, most of the yaoi on my list. And Elfen Lied. XD) I've left a few of the more innocent shounen-ai things, like Gravitation. Junjou Romantica is about the most graphic on the list. I figure this way... it's easier to make recs to Stef, because she can look at what I've seen, what I've rated it, and go from there. Though I wouldn't rec Loveless to her but it ended up on the list anyway, because she knows about it. I've flailed about it in the store enough times when Barnes and Noble didn't have the next volume YET AGAIN. XD Then again, I've also TOLD her that I wouldn't rec that series to her, so she knows better.

5. Death Note- I think I can finish that off in the next couple of days, since I have off. I think. Also, the second opening song has kicked Zombie-Loan out of the "worst opening song ever" slot in my mind. It's waaaaaay worse than the Zombie-Loan one, and ZL was really bad. XD I think I hate the new song about as much as I loved the old one.
6. Tales of the Abyss- AJDKSLJDKSLA I KNEW IT! I'd guessed two things about particular characters and I was right on both counts. I kind of didn't want to be in Van's case though? _< IDIOT. Why can't he be all cute like in the opening? Of course, he doesn't SPEAK in the opening, so that's probably a lot of it. XD

7. Speaking of which, Crunchy changed their video player. I like it A LOT. <3

8. Reminder #2, Christmas cards! Sign up if you want one!

9. fifthmus . Um. All I have to say at this point is.... CRAP. >_<

10. Erin is apparently getting Kelly a digcam for Christmas, so I've been trying to come up with something else. I think I have an idea. Possibly. I'll have to investigate. ^_^ (But um, yay possible GameCube? XD)

This is already obscenely long, so I'm shutting up now, seriously. XDDD

tales of the abyss, fifthmus, psa, snow sucks, anime, christmas, nablopomo, death note

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