It occurred to me yesterday, when I'd originally planned to do this post, that I don't really talk about politics in this journal. There are a few comments sprinkled here and there, sure, but I largely keep the subjects of politics and religion to myself. Mostly, with politics, I think... I'm just not all that interested in it, in a general sense. There are issues that are important to me- the Iraq war, gay rights, abortion rights, women's rights in general... probably more that I'm just not thinking of at the moment. Well. And right now the state of our economy is a huge issue, seeing as we're watching the thing crash and burn. I care about those issues and pay attention when things happen with those, but other than that? I don't care about politicians sniping at each other, just do your god damn job. Politics is too frustrating to me to bother listening to it most times, so I don't. Except, of course, when it's something big like a presidential election.
Some steps forward and some steps back this election, really. Our first black president- which is an accomplishment that's been a long time coming, whether you agree with his politics or not. And yet, gay marriage bans were up in four states (California, Arizona, Arkansas, and Florida), and all four passed the ban. Additionally, Arkansas proceeded to ban gay couples from adopting children. Am I surprised? No, it's fucking Arkansas for god sakes. That doesn't mean I'm not furious about it. On the other hand, Michigan I believe, passed both a prop allowing for stem cell research and medicinal marijuana. Which are both good things. And wherever abortion was up as an issue, abortion rights were upheld, at least from what I could tell.
Do I completely agree with Obama? No. But you have to keep in mind that I'm fairly left on the political spectrum. I was a registered Libertarian before they took the option away in my state (and am now registered as an Independent). There is NEVER going to be a candidate I fully support that has a shot in hell at winning, not really. Our country is far too conservative for that. And as a person, I respect John McCain very much. I do. Especially after his concession speech. But I don't think much would change under his administration, and that's something we desperately need in this country right now, change. Is Obama the answer to this? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see what happens when he actually takes office and gets the ball rolling. The bottom line for me in this election were two factors: One, I didn't want another Bush. Two, Palin scares the living daylights out of me as far as the idea of her being in charge if something happens to McCain (and let's face it, John McCain is an old man, it's a real possibility). Absolute bottom line. In addition to the fact that while my political stance doesn't really fall with the Democrats, it's completely out of step with the Republicans. The lesser of the two evils. Because really, no one outside of the two main parties is going to win a presidential election (I'm looking at you, Nader. I like some of your stuff, but just give it up already.). So regardless of who else is running, you're going to end up with one of the two- better that it be someone who will restore our country a bit if he does even a fraction of the things he says he will. Again, I'm not sure if he will, but I hope so, especially now that he's been elected.
Regardless of what, President Elect Obama has a lot of tough stuff ahead of him, and I wish him luck. Because if he fails, then we all fail with him.