Work actually wasn't so bad. It was just a long, LONG day, but I know everyone else felt that way too, so it wasn't just me.
But GAH, my FUCKING MOTHER. I just got into two separate fights with her over paperwork I TOLD her we needed to go to the doctor's office to have them fill it out. First she refused to go until Thursday, and the thing needs to get sent out Thursday. This resulted in her screaming at me that I should've done it already and they're not going to fill it out same day and so on. How the fuck was I supposed to get it done? I HAVE NO CAR, AND THEREFORE NO WAY TO GET TO THE OFFICE. Fuck. Plus she's taking ten billion years looking through the papers and telling me she doesn't think I have to do anything with it, that it's not the right form, blah blah blah. Um... well, the doctor at least has to sign it, so I kinda think he needs to see it. Not to mention that this is what they sent me. This is what I need to fill out. Period.
Then she called me in again to yell at me some more. Now she's refusing to go at all. And apparently it's my fault that she didn't pay attention. Her exact words. "If you don't tell me an exact date of when you want to go, I'm not going to pay attention!" Not to mention the lovely, "You only told me once!" .......and yet, she would've been screaming at me about how she "knew already" if I'd mentioned it to her again.
So now I need to figure something out, because this HAS to get done, even though my mother doesn't seem to understand this. My leave will get denied if this doesn't happen and that will make a lot more headaches for me. >_< Fuckfuckfuckfuck. Well... I guess I can try and see if Stef can take me down tomorrow. I filled out as much of the paperwork as I could, I basically just need one line of specifics and a signature from somebody. Anybody, at this point.
Oh, and have I mentioned that I'm getting sick? Either that or the old tooth issue is returning, which would NOT be a good thing. I'd rather just have it be a cold. Unfortunately, it seems to be mostly on the one side where the tooth used to be, so I have my suspicions. DAMMIT. >_<
Okay, this has been sitting open entirely too long, and it's getting late. Plus I think that's enough whining for right now. XDDD