Yesterday was lovely. I got a call at work from my older sister telling me that she was taking my mom to the hospital. *sigh* Cue Ver-freakout. A couple of hours later, after I'd already told the supervisor I was leaving early because I just couldn't be there right then, I got a text from my younger sister, saying that they hadn't gone since mom was feeling a little better. *sigh* I still left about 40 minutes early, stopped and got a couple of things at the grocery store, and was home before I normally would've left. Needless to say, Erin wasn't very happy considering she'd spent thirty bucks on the cab ride to get here only to have mom tell her she wasn't going to the hospital.
But they went this morning, probably about 10:30. I haven't heard anything yet, but then again, she may still be waiting, so who knows. We'll see how this goes. *crosses fingers* I'm really, really trying not to panic.
I need to catch up on reading
fifthmus. Again. GUH.
Oh, did I mention I finished the songfic from hell? XD I'm just waiting for Akichan to read it and yell at me so that I can fix it before posting it. And. You know. Catching up on my writing journal would be good too.
blind_go 5 stuff (though the collab won't be posted for a long time, I think. I'm going to edit that first. That's going to take a long time. XD), and
fifthmus... still seems like I'm forgetting something. Huh.
In other news, my monitor is acting weird. Every once in a while it'll do this ripple thing across the whole screen. I hope to hell it's not dying, I really don't need that on top of everything else. I guess the good thing is that monitors are easy enough to come by. I think I have one in my closet that went with my old computer. (Whether it'll work with this one or not is another story, but nevermind.) Worse comes to worse, I'm sure I can get Stef's dad to give me a monitor. He plays around with computers for fun, and has ten bajillion computers and things. And Stef wouldn't mind seeing one of them go, trust me. XD (And before anybody asks, no, I really don't want to get a full computer from him. All of those are wicked old, and I know they don't have specs I can live with on a day to day basis.)
It's almost 20 after one, I suppose I should get something to eat and shower and whatnot. I really, really don't want to go to work.