I've been so tired. -_- I don't even know why, particularly- this is the time of year I look forward to all winter- SPRING! SUNSHINE! And yet... blah. Of course, it doesn't help that it's not really spring so much as HOT. XD But still.
I finally have DDR... and haven't been using it. Man. Need to do that tonight. After stuff for
ihikago, which takes priority right now. ^_^;;; There's no point in having it if I'm not going to use it, right?
I think I'm going to eat, go take a shower, and then possibly clean off my desk (because it's atrocious again, somehow). Or write. I haven't decided which. Probably clean, because it's really driving me nuts, plus I can write at work, at least a little. A thought- when I had my own room (it was for a very short time, but still), I would go through the room once a week and pick up. It would take ten minutes tops, just going over everything, cleaning up stuff from the previous week, making sure nothing got out of control. I could start doing that here. Okay, it would take a lot longer than ten minutes at first- but jeez, a half an hour to an hour of the day, on one of my days off or something, to clean one section of my room, once a week- it would take a while to get clean, but still, it would be SOMETHING. And then after that it would just be maintenence. And yes, there will still be the space issue- but I'm sure that there's plenty of stuff I can get rid of, too. And I know Erin still has stuff in the closet. I'll just throw it all in a box, and then the next time she's here... "Here, this is yours, TAKE IT WITH YOU."
In other news, the back up
blind_go fic is over 1200 words now. Oye.
You know what? This is distracting. I think I'm going to turn off the computer, that way I won't be tempted to check my flist or anything. XD