Oct 12, 2011 12:40
Wow indeed--I feel drawn to good ol' LJ these days, where I can write, dream, rave, rant, and think out loud, without being poked, tagged, or re-tweeted.
Perhaps it's because it's autumn, but more than likely, it's the very sudden death of a much loved friend last week that has me in an introspective mood; when I get like this, I find that spending some time doing solitary things (papercrafting, baking, writing here, reading, even cleaning my house) is therapeutic.
Life does go on, and a friend of mine & I are hosting a Halloween party for several of our fun-loving buddies next Saturday night, with costumes, movies, games, and yummy treats. Since my co-host doesn't cook at all, I've assigned her to bring a salad and make the party favors, while I'm decorating (all-out, as usual), making the entree, witch's brew and treats.
Then after that, my neighborhood Halloween carnival is the following Saturday, with a hayride, games, treats, activities (decorating sugar cookies, a visit from our neighborhood fire truck, moonbounces, crafts and NEW this year--a Pet Costume Contest.). Dare I enter the Spice Cats? I think not.
So, that's what up with me for the next little bit--how's everyone?