Feb 25, 2021 16:40
A dreaded pink square for me in what wasn't, otherwise, too testing a crossword despite potentially tricky vocab crossing like 6ac/8dn. I bunged "MEALINESS" straight in at 14dn on the assumption that it referred to a mealy-grub, though on more sober reflection it felt like that creature may actually be called a mealy-bug... onwards and upwards eh! It was the flycatcher clue that set me astray, officer, would've been under 7 minutes otherwise.
I liked: the scientific clue at 21ac (which is also the title of a brilliant YA book by Alan Garner), the PDMOTD when I finally cottoned onto "lot deemed odious" at 12dn, but let's say my COD is 18ac as I liked "A BIT RATED", which is broadly descriptive of my place in the crossword community. Thanks setter and heaven forfend the pink square of doom from the rest of you!
1 Experts to keep on retaining old fools (8)
BUFFOONS - BUFFS [experts] to "keep" ON "retaining" O, so BUFF{O{O}N}S
6 Flycatcher’s charge, we hear: insect being picked up (6)
PHOEBE - homophone of FEE + homophone of BEE. One for the twitchers amongst us
9 Repurposing curtains cut up, one uses needles (13)
10 Worker left half abandoned gets to manage (6)
HANDLE - HAND [worker] + LE{ft}
11 Prearrange patient for feature of study? (8)
BOOKCASE - BOOK [prearrange] + CASE [patient]
13 Disciple penning part of Bible with short word of prayer in bit of verse (10)
PENTAMETER - PETER "penning" NT + AME{n}
15 Appearance that is evident in heartless fellow (4)
MIEN - I.E. [that is] "in" M{a}N
16 Nymph gives companion love by edge of lake (4)
ECHO - C.H. 0 by {lak}E
18 Made a judgement not much appreciated about Republican (10)
ARBITRATED - A BIT RATED [not much appreciated] "about" R
21 What may be evident in aura from star in colourful garment (3,5)
RED SHIFT - double def, good Doppler-y science term vs a literal colourful shift/garment.
22 Holy person getting with it at church can be a pain (6)
STITCH - S(ain)T getting with IT at CH(urch)
23 Innocent chaps violently shoved into big vans (13)
25 Music-makers love being in small groups (6)
CELLOS - 0 being in CELLS
26 Contact team to get best position to watch contest? (8)
RINGSIDE - or RING SIDE [contact | team]
2 Ignorant article in Le Monde about a conflict (7)
UNAWARE - UNE [(French) article] "about" A WAR
3 Channels getting discovered for street in structures below ground? (11)
FOUNDATIONS - {st}ATIONS [(radio) channels] becomes {FOUND}ATIONS
4 Nothing put together can be practical (2,3)
OF USE - 0 FUSE [put together]
5 Instrument taken from bag by Aunt Sally, briefly (7)
SACKBUT - SACK [bag] by BUT{t} [Aunt Sally]
6 Rich person in airport town nearly nabbed by copper, despicable type (9)
PLUTOCRAT - LUTO{n} "nabbed by" P.C. + RAT
7 Charm of Japanese attire (3)
OBI - double def; in the Caribbean, ritual magic, in Japan, a kimono sash
8 Fine material is used in sock? Not right (7)
BATISTE - IS "used in" BATTE{r}
12 Lot deemed odious in firm battle to secure foreign capital (11)
COMPARISONS - CO MONS [firm | battle] "secures" PARIS. "Comparisons are odious" according to the old adage, or "odorous", per Dogberry in Much Ado. LOI
14 Quality of some grub in each can brought into dining room (9)
MEATINESS - EA TIN "brought into" MESS
17 Desire heading off to get a bit of food that isn't expensive (7)
CHEAPIE - {a}CHE to get A PIE
19 Killer only dear to the French (7)
BUTCHER - BUT [only] + CHER [dear, in French]
20 Former leader of Conservatives was wont to be forgiven? (7)
EXCUSED - EX [former] + C{onservatives} + USED [was wont]
22 Male of family that's kept in charge, after upsetting heir (5)
SCION - SON that has "kept" reversed I/C
24 In ruin I leave nothing (3)
NIL - hidden in {rui}N I L{eave}