Apr 14, 2017 08:44
1 Like an eager consumer's fashion sense? (8)
RAVENOUS - RAVE NOUS [fashion | sense]
6 Evil King Edward blocked by good Harry (6)
BADGER - BAD ER [evil | King Edward] "blocked" by G [good]
9 Our place next to the middle of Shakespeare's Globe (6)
SPHERE - HERE [our place] next to {Shake}SP{eare's}
10 Familiarity with one formation for Man. City (8)
INTIMACY - I [one] + (MAN CITY*) ["formation for..."]
11 Pick up extremely huge feet (4)
HEFT - H{ug}E + FT [feet]
12 Gripping but deplorable, banning book and introductory note (10)
14 Hard way to admit transgression after rebuffing indulgence (8)
HEDONISM - H [hard] + MODE [way] "to admit" SIN [transgression] reversed ["after rebuffing"]
16 Breaking strike, ring to use non-standard phone service (4)
ROAM - breaking RAM [strike], O [ring]
18 You've every right to steer clear of fattened pig in this! (4)
POKE - PO{r}KE{r} [fattened pig (every right steering clear)], &lit
19 Loom yarn cut meshed fabric backing (8)
THREATEN - THREA{d} [yarn "cut"] + reverse of NET [fabric "backing"]
21 Capable worker who's going places? (10)
JOURNEYMAN - literally a capable worker, but suggestive of one going on a journey, i.e. places
22 Out of time, unable to escape creation of partial vacuum (4)
SUCK - S{t}UCK [unable to escape "out of time"]
24 A Brit demolished in cast’s denunciation (8)
DIATRIBE - (A BRIT*) ["demolished"] in DIE [cast]
26 Design interior to go in (6)
TRENDY - END [design] (is the) interior to TRY [go]
27 Objections overturned through being blunt (6)
STUBBY - reverse of BUTS [objections "overturned"] + BY [through]
28 Ascent's ending in panorama before each climber (5,3)
SWEET PEA - {ascen}T in SWEEP [panorama] before EA [each]
2 Fruit drink containing pip's husk (5)
APPLE - ALE [drink] containing P{i}P
3 Lie etc, to change single ruling party? (11)
ELECTIONEER - (LIE ETC*) ["to change"] + ONE [single] + E.R. [ruling party], &lit
4 Provide auditor's initial forms with unearned income (8)
OVERPAID - (PROVIDE A{uditor}*) ["forms"]
5 Expression of surprise on board, beset by palpitations? (6,2,7)
SHIVER MY TIMBERS - MY [expression of surprise] on TIMBER [board], "beset by" SHIVERS [palpitations]
6 Bishop unqualified to give flattery (6)
BUTTER - B UTTER [bishop | unqualified]
7 With poor visibility, just over half a kilometre? (3)
DIM - DI = 501 in Roman numerals, M = metres, 501 metres = 1m over half a kilometre.
8 Embracing large secretary is mate no longer pretty clear? (9)
EXCULPATE - "embracing" L PA [large | secretary] is EX CUTE [mate no longer | pretty]
13 Did something to straighten bed, perhaps, and tables? (11)
SPREADSHEET - if you SPREAD SHEET, you did something to straighten bed.
15 I could be worried to see lost ice go (9)
ECOLOGIST - which anagrams to ["could be worried to see"] LOST ICE GO. semi-&lit.
17 Around theatre season, Baby Jane actor is no blonde (8)
BRUNETTE - around RUN [theatre season], BETTE [Baby Jane actor (Davis)]
20 Girl about town, big one, heads off (6)
VERITY - {o}VER {c}ITY [about | town, big one (both with "heads off")]
23 Worry about Democratic campaign group? (5)
CADRE - CARE [worry] about D [Democratic]
25 Flap about a bit - that's more than enough (3)
TAB - {abou}T A B{it}, with the superfluities trimmed