A call for Stargate SG1 fanfic recs

May 25, 2011 14:29

I keep wanting to post something here, and then not posting anything, because I don't know what to write! It's really difficult to post, after such a long time away, isn't it. But this time, I actually have a request for my flist, so maybe that will make it easier to actually post, this time. (As opposed to all the other times when I wrote something to post, only to end up losing it as I closed the window at the end of the day without posting anything.)

So, my brother has this friend who is a big Stargate fan (seen all the episodes several times, owns all the DVDs, etc), and she seemed to me to be exactly the type of person to enjoy fanfic, but she's never read any fanfic, and seems completely unfamiliar with fandom in general. I offered to send her some fanfic recommendations, but I think she's more of a SG1 fan, and I'm much more familiar with SGA fanfic, and I really want to send her something good, that would whet her appetite and not scare her off.

So I figured I would ask my flist for help. I know several of you actually are/were in the SG1 fandom and have read a lot of the fanfic.

What do you think? Any must-read SG1 fanfic out there that you think might help get a complete fandom newbie to read more fanfic? I've come up with a few stories that I think are very good, but I'm not sure they quite encompass all of what SG1 has to offer, and I really wanted to send her some stories that can showcase a range of what fanfic can do that TV show canon alone cannot - awesome weird aliens, rich worldbuilding, thinky AUs, outside POV, etc. And I wanted to start out with gen and kind of work my way up to slash if she likes the gen, because I figure it would be easier to get her hooked that way. But most of the best stories I know even in SGA are slash, so that makes things more difficult as well.

Here's what I have on my list so far (and I plan to maybe winnow the list down a bit if I find a few more stories):



Veil by Eve11

Folsom Prison Blues by Eve11

Mnemophobia by Tripoli

Snakeskin by Katie M

Walked Right Out of the Machinery by rydra-wong

A Heavenward Striving by Katie M


The Retrograde series, by Martha Wilson

(And every other gen story by her, but those are mostly SGA only)

Slash (because I can't resist putting these *g*):


Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves by Auburn and its follow-up, Everybody Knows

At the Hour When We Are Trembling by Frostfire-17 (I actually hadn't heard of this one before yesterday, but I saw a rec for it and read it all in one long gulp, and now I want to rec it, too *g*).

cofax's post-apocalyptic series, maybe.

And some SGA fic by minnow1212, because I love her gen SGA fic.

And maybe synecdochic's Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, but I'm not sure about that one, either.

But I feel like I'm missing some awesome alien world stories at the very least, and I keep wanting to include at least some other slash stories, like maybe some of astolat's SGA fic that originally got me to start reading SGA fic in the first place (and there was an awesome McKay/Zelenka fic written in the very, very early days of SGA that I remember I really liked as well)... But I suspect a fandom newbie might not see these stories the same way I do. Or maybe she would like them too - I've been thinking in circles about this for so long that I don't know anymore.

I guess the good part is that thinking about this has gotten me to start reading all my favorite SG1 and SGA fanfic again. *g*

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