Belated happy birthdays

Jun 10, 2005 16:30

Also, because I suck, I forgot to include this in my last entry:

Happy very, very belated birthdays for thassalia, cretkid, and thevaliumsofalj.

*checks the actual birthdates* Boy, I really do suck, don't I. I would try out my favorite belated birthday greeting, which starts something like "We're celebrating your birthday by drinking to your health for the third day in a row," but I don't think anybody would believe me. *g* (elishavah and riarambles might remember the way everybody laughed at me at my birthday party, when I tried to make them believe that the huge half-empty bottle of whiskey, which I found under my kitchen counter when I first moved into my condo, might be half-empty because I drank the rest. I guess I don't make a very convincing drunk, do I. *g*)

But anyway, I hope you each had a great day on your birthday, and that each day after that was great as well. May your days be filled with joy, and half-naked men in leather ready to do your bidding. (Although that last part might be just my attempt to justify using that icon. ;) )

Edited, to add a little more substance to this post: It's funny, because it's true! *g* Yeah, this is one of the biggest reasons I gave up on fiddling with photoshop, back in the day. I was starting to think like that, and it scared me.
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