Jul 19, 2005 02:56
Well, I got the book. I read the book. That's right, folks, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Rue and I (accompanied with great amusement by Greg) got the book at midnight at Chapters. There were a bunch of kids running around in costumes, and a lot of people our age, though mostly not in costumes. We stood in line for a bit, and then, blissfully, received our books. YAY! It took me about 48 hours to read, including the time I spent sleeping, working, at church and in transit. I laughed, I cried, I screamed and I got that giddy, giggly, girly feeling of romantic anticipation. It was really, really good. I won't go into too many details, since it's extremely late already, but I will say that I was very satisfied. I cried terribly during the tragic bits, I laughed during all the romantic bits, and screamed when the Dark Mark appeared over Hogwarts. Rowling has done it again. Yay! Let's hear it for escapism.