HBP Deleted Scene

Apr 18, 2010 00:47

No one told me?

I finally watched the deleted scenes from the Half-Blood Prince movie this evening. The consequence of which is that I have been a state of wowness for an awfully long time for a person of my age.

Fans of Snape, and especially believers in lapsedCatholic!Snape, this scene was made for us. The visual symbolism (paired with the music) are...well, this is why there are films. I can see why this scene was cut from the movie, though--it is amazingly, painfully clear about where Snape's at, and even though all us book-readers already knew that, those who only watch the movies didn't need to be spoiled for where-do-Snape's-loyalties-really-lie.

So, without further ado (you may want to full-screen it, to get the whole effect):

image Click to view

half-blood prince, harry potter

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