(no subject)

May 05, 2007 14:03

Seeing as runesque tagged both of my journals, I decided to reply with both. Of course, since this is a fic journal, I also decided to make it a little more interesting.

To play, start by listing 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. When this is done, choose 10 people to be tagged and write their names at the bottom of your list. No tag backs! Those who get tagged then write their own 10-item list in their own journals. Be sure to include this set of rules.

Has became!

1. The world's invaded by aliens! This was in approximately 2009 ATB. Aliens killed Marianne. Schneizel is Emperor. Lelouch is still a prince and has 'part-time commander' on his resume. Nanaly has rocket launchers in her wheelchair. Oh, and Suzaku is a debonair kickass spy from Japan, yo. There are also time travellers and sliders. (Espers are excluded because canon arguably has them)
2. Arthur is actually a nekomata. And in revenge for putting Zero hijinks before feeding him, turns Lelouch into a cat. Oops.
3. This is standard issue - Lelouch and Suzaku has An Accident that switches their bodies during An Incident Of Compromising Positions. The problem? Zero's cellphone is ringing, and Cecile had came away to drag Suzaku off for tests. Double Oops.
4. I'll let the picture below say everything, but four things are needed to understand the basic gist - 1) Lelouch is a man. 2) Lelouch and Suzaku are painfully straight. 3) C.C. is still happily living with Mao. 4) Remember that 'plan' Lelouch told C.C. he had?

5. Where exactly do you think I get the zombie survival post from? Blood! Brains! Friendship, courage, and gore! Fanservice! Exchange of bodily fluids! Get yours now at Zombie.Survival.geass!
6. This is not exactly 'crazy', per se, but as it's dropped and I'm self-indulgent that way, what the heck---suppose that in Episode 6, Suzaku didn't catch Lelouch in time. He falls 16 meters to the ground, is severely injured and hospitalized. Suzaku finds the Zero mask and doesn't know what to think while Cornelia zooms in on him for being Zero's cohort. And when Lelouch wakes up, his concussion has erased every memory he had after the morning of The Day He Met C.C. (though Geass is still around). Oops?
7. So in his early years of friendship with Rivalz, their job opportunities weren't nearly so...stable. In the long and heady rush to find jobs for his newfound buddy, Rivalz has stumbled upon bikini-to-nude modeling. Alas, said buddy does not learn of this until after the contract is signed (Hmm, I seem to detect a pattern) and must weasel his way out of it.
8. This is pretty serious, but it's also crack. Back to the Future! Due to incidence with Hadron cannons, Zero is sent to the past, when the Emperor was feuding for his throne with his siblings. If he plans well, he might change the future into a kinder world, albeit one where he'll never be born. But would or should he do so, and did he coincidentally created the monster he hates?
9. There is actually a ninth crackbunny, but it's not for general consumption.
10. No tenth, however.

crack, code geass

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