May 04, 2009 15:11
Recently began trying to use Google Reader to keep up with Reuters/NPR news - and was reminded why it hurts sometimes.
Things like Obama-happy articles (yes, op-ed, but frustrating nonetheless) which bring up the idea of numbers-based anti-discrimination 'equality'. I'm not -glad- there's a black president; I really, really don't care. Now, today, there's been a couple articles based on the Souter replacement that have peeved me because there's no reason to -try- to put a non-old-white-guy into the seat, except that people seem to base their judgments on numbers are really vocal. I don't really care about who's in the seat (as long as they're sound legally, rather than making rulings based on philosophical ideals), but I care that people think numbers can take the place of common sense.
Then there's the fact that we're prudish enough that Janet Jackson's nipple slip (and I think she had a pastie or something there - I can't remember, I didn't care at the time, either) caused a -fine-... and the Supreme Court actually had to deal with it! It took this long!
The fine is $550,000; think about how much money is involved in the legal fees for -anything- that gets to the Supreme Court. It's just a tit. Most people have two. They can be pretty - just like legs, or well groomed lawns, or a mountain vista.
We need to get over this stuff. It's taking way too much of our attention away from worthwhile bullshit.
And as far as 'getting over it' goes... The whole 'don't ask don't tell' is back. -sigh- I'm of the opinion that it really didn't matter, until there was an official standpoint. There have always been gays in the military, there always will be. To paraphrase Bill Hicks, if you're willing to take a gun and sit in a foxhole, I don't care what you want to fuck.
Only once we've codified what's 'right' or 'wrong' does it really begin to matter. And now that we've codified it, it's going to be an issue.
I know I've only commented on the shallow stuff. The international stuff... Scares me. It hurts to try and consider a world that's got a lot of mixed nuts. Maybe if this gReader thing works out, I might actually feel confident in saying something.