Ahhhhhhhh vidmaking frustration!
*shakes fist*
First I couldn't start even cutting the scenes for the new part in the song, and now I'm going through the S2 episodes, mostly Hounds and TRF, and I can't stop and I feel like I'm cutting every second scene WHERE AM I GOING TO FIT ALL OF THIS
(where am I going to fit my feelings for these scenes, that's a fair question)
And I've been sitting here for about an hour and I still haven't got to actually putting the scenes to music.
Should I just cut some more scenes and put some of them, at least those I've got some ideas about, to the music and then translate some Swedish text?
Decisions, decisions. But I need to get the vid at least mostly finished before Moscow. :/
How in the world did I manage to make my last in under a week? Oh, right, I only had three eps and mostly used only the scenes with Mycroft in them.
PS. Yeah, I'm trying LJ blogging again. A good thing for my English, too, since except for a) fic commenting, b) chatting during watchalongs, I don't practice talking that much, just reading and listening.
Not that I could ever forget English, but you know how it is. One forgotten word and it's the end of the world.
UPD Seriously, do you think this is healthy? this is okay?