Jun 02, 2009 22:10
Well, there goes all my emotional control.
I think I'm obvious, though. Am I not? Don't you see all of this?
Well. Geez. I wanted to talk about TOS, anyway.
So, just, the thing about acting: I love just how natural it all is. I don't know how to explain. It's really how it COULD be. And I don't talk about physic laws now, no. The same thing that attracts me in Kvartet. They play like it would be in life. Not all the jokes are funny, not all the lines are jokes. You can just try (that's the
But yeah, getting off-topic. That exists in TOS too. And for that matter I'd like to speak about Kirk. All his gestures, his mimics are just so very natural. Some of the things even I do, for god's sake. And his looks! So really human. I think I just haven't encountered that before. So.
And while I'm on topic: there's also one more think about K that I really love. It's when he gets angry about injustice, childishness, dumbness etc. Because these are just the things that set me off too. We are similar in that way xD