Jun 19, 2004 21:43
woohoo! Has anyone ever played a game called "Pig Pong"? It is from the late 80's. Well, we were over at someone's house for dinner, and afterwards the father pulled out this game. It consists of a net, a little lightweight paper ball, and four pigs. You have to use the little pigs to blow the ball over the net. They are like little squeeze toys that blow air. There are actually fouls: "snouting" (haha), "hogging the court" (hahahaha) etc. I laughed so hard I felt like I was going to throw up. And the father was so serious about it, too. "You don't want to get your pig hot" "is your pig hot?You might want to let it cool down or else it doesn't work right." You just had to be there. I can't believe that game actually exists!!