After many people and messages were asked, pictures of the car.
See below the cut
Side picture of the Car
Front Angle of Car
Another Side Picture of Car
Taken from the Back
Yes, the driver's seat is *really* close, but ya'll gotta remember, I'm 4'9"! :)
Yes, those are my keys on the green keychain. Also, before you ask, no, they were not left in the backseat.
So, for the folks in Austin: I'm not bumin' rides off ya'll anymore! However, I added the charges of $140 to my St. Ed's bill for the parking permit (good for the Fall 2008 - Fall 2009 year), but the same time, my parents want me to park in the parking garage. Which, I wouldn't mind, but I can't find that Student E-newsletter that explained *all* about the parking garage and the new changes to the fees.
Does anyone happen to have that Student E-news letter that was sent out about it? If so, please send it my way. Also, since I'll be up there August 16th or August 17th, does anyone know if I can park in the visitor lot (at the top of the hill) for a day - Sunday to Monday Until I can get the sticker?