
Jun 28, 2006 09:57

"Former publisher and editor of The Nation, Victor Navasky has written a candid chronicle of his life of investigating, writing, reporting, and opining. A Matter of Opinion tells of his student days at Swathmore College, in Alaska as an Army recruit (writing for the Base’s paper), his education at Yale Law School (where he began the opinion paper Monocle), his work for The New York Times as a freelancer, and of course his time at The Nation where he made it one of the most, if not the most important political and news publication in America."
It would have been cool to hear Navasky read at Black Oak last night and all, but I had some important stick-wavin' practice to do.


Propaganda posters remixed:
To rebut the old-timey anti-freedom posters in this space yesterday, Project for The Old American Century offers some pro-freedom versions. Take that, Michelle Malkin!
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