*dusts off community*
Okay, I get progressively and progressively worse with this NaNo thing each year. Theoretically,
robin_2370_hood and I trade off prompts and write something each day, since that's easier than trying to churn out 50,000 words of cohesive plot. Theoretically. All our entries are posted to our personal journals and flocked until the end of the month.
This goes: date, fandom, subject, prompt.
Leven Thumps AU, Leven/Winter; late for class, taking a sick day, "bed rest"
11/03: peanut butter sandwiches and a green bedspread
Supernatural AU, Dean/Jess; covered in spots
Stormchasers RPF, Reed/Joel; math = evil, and reading for fun is always better than homework
Percy Jackson, Silena/Beckendorf; No Shave November
11/11: the colors of the rainbow
BBC Sherlock/Firefly, ensemble; two apples and a banana
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/His Dark Materials, Arthur Dent; apple cinnamon jelly and sniffing coffee
11/17: leggings and Batman
11/19: cardboard piled over your head
Doctor Who/BBC Sherlock, Martha/Anderson/Donovan; scraped knees
Percy Jackson/Pirates of the Caribbean, Nico/Bianca, Tia Dalma; good fortune and happy endings
Tangled, Rapunzel/Eugene; warm drinks, curled up under a blanket
11/27: Toys R Us at 2am
11/29: cracktastic thanksgiving fic
so many blank spots ;_____;