Title: The Last Cry in Hades (Not Guilty)
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Characters/Pairings: Percy/Nico
Word Count: 7,350
Done for the
pjo_fic_battle! Title comes from song of the same name by Pierrot. Spoilers for the Last Olympian. Contains minor amounts of angst and a vague attempt at plot. [also available
@ AO3]
Because justice is worthless without mercy. We are two sides of the same coin. )
Comments 19
Nico's narration was lovely, and I liked the subtle changes you showed in him over time and the way he cares about Percy quite like no one else does. All the scenes flowed together spectacularly, and there's just way too much I loved about it to list it all here. Awesome job!
You have no idea how mad I was when the message alert popped into my inbox at work and I couldn't read it right away! It was torture, I tell you!
gay. anywhoozerz I liked it
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