PJA...I knew you were adorbz but beautiful? I never knew.
I love my older sister I really do (there is a but coming...) BUT she seems to be taking this whole pregnancy thing a little bit too seriously.
Ok so its her first child, I get that, but it was due yesterday and I had a long chat with her last night, and I said how great it would be at Christmas because if the Bean is born before, there will be numerous extra hands willing to hold, change nappies (diapers to your Americans) and shit, but she countered that with how no one but the mother and father should hold it for the first two weeks.
Oh God Soph...come on and chill the fuck out.
I hate this many and his stupid face...
Also THIS...
What They Should Be Called
An Ocean of Tears so blood true, God BoB you made me sob like a fucking BABY!
This though, this one is my favourite
there are more here)
Oh one more things...
I think I'm done now...peace out