Citrus and Sandalwood

May 18, 2011 22:05

I blame mrstotten for this.

Ok so it was totally me that noticed there was a suspicious red mark on Chris's neck in Glee this week (after Jesse was a dick and Kurt stormed into the choir room). And I know it was Chris's rather than Kurts because it looked like makeup had done a pretty good job of hiding it. Aaaand what comes from me telling Mags this??

Well...this. Glee RPS. Just shoot me now. *hands anyone a gun* make it quick.

There is a bit on Chris's neck, just above his shoulder, that always smells of his soap. No matter how many hours of dancing and singing they've done. No matter how many layers of makeup, numerous touch ups, and no matter how long it had been since he showered. It's always there. Smelling of citrus and sandalwood. It makes it almost impossible not to nip at it whenever he manages to get Chris alone, behind a props tent, in his trailer, wherever the hell he could find in that moment. Push Chris up against the nearest hard surface and lick at that spot as Chris winds his hands into his immaculately gelled hair.

Chris will tug at it sometimes, a little grunt of annoyance slipping out at the fact that he couldn't run his fingers through it properly, couldn't feel Darren's stupid curls wrap around his fingers.

"Christ Darren." Chris is muttering now, and it was so unusual to hear him swear, that Darren loves it when curse words slip out. Darren feels a tiny bit if pride at that, he made Chris lose control like that. Darren pulls back far enough to kiss him, presses his mouth to Chris's, swallows the curse words and the gentle cries, locks them safely away from the people milling around on the other side of the flimsy trailer walls. Darren trails kisses down Chris's jaw, presses his nose to that spot again and breathes deeply.

"What are you doing?" Chris asks, voice breathy against Darren's hair. Darren nips at the skin again, tastes citrus and sandalwood, and Chris. Pulls the skin between his teeth and sucks, a small part of him wanting Chris's almost perfect skin to be marked. Darren can make him curse, Darren can mark him. Just another way that they are so far entwined, Darren wonders how he managed to live without Chris.

"Darren..." Darren pulls back, cocks his head to the side, sick pride swimming in his belly as he notices the red mark on Chris's pale skin. Chris lifts his hand and presses his fingers to the mark, pulling a face that Darren knows means he'll pay for it later. Darren can't help but smile at him, run his fingers over Chris's, pressing them both into the bruise already forming. Chris's eyes flutter closed and Darren kisses him again.

"You know makeup are going to kill me?" He asks when Darrne pulls away, nudges their noses together gently and smiles against his mouth.

Yes he knows, he also knows that Chris doesn't really mind and that he'll get Darren back later. Once the lights are out and the cameras off and everyone has gone home, tucked up in their beds. Once Chris crawls into bed next to Darren the payback will happen.

Darren can't really bring himself to care, as long as Chris keeps on smelling like citrus and sandalwood, he'll take all the punishment he deserves.

fic, magsy, rps, glee

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