So I had a snow day today...which is always a bonus, us English Southern Fairies (not talking about the Scotish Mags, you are crazy hardcore) can't cope with any amount of snow, we get snow, we grind to a halt. Nothing is running here. Apart from my sister and I! We went for a walk.
For those of you that have seen the Pride and Prejudice movie with Keira Knightly (*vomits*) then you might recognise the walk from the movie, when its pouring with rain and Mr Darcy (*swoons*) proposes. Unfortunately, the Temple Of Venus (where that scene was filmed) is under reconstruction right now, but you can see the bridge and the Pantheon.
For those who haven't seen it....
here is the clip By the way...all that in front of that temple like thingy...The meant to be a massive lake.
That is King Triton. In his alcove in the Grotto. The whole lake is in the middle of a man made Garden. They made pretty much everything in the garden including a which sits Triton!
A view from the Grotto window, looking over the lake towards the Turf Bridge which you can see in the movie.
My sister! Looking as glamorous as usual! And the pathetic dogs in their silly coats. Don't blame me, my mother has turned into Paris Hilton when it comes to her dogs.
The Pantheon.
The English actually stole this spire from the French. And the Hoare Family (pronounced Whore!) bought it and put it in their garden.
I may sound like a tour guide but I used to work in the garden as a tour guide!
Fingers crossed for more snow tomorrow!