Dragon Con Friday

Sep 05, 2008 22:37

So on the Friday of Dragon Con we deviated from the norm a bit. We went to the GA aquarium. It was really wonderful. They had my favorite! Baluga whales. There were three of them 2 females and a male. We got to touch stingrays, sharks, horseshoe crabs, starfish. It was fun to watch the otters playing. When we passed the river otters they were all asleep piled into a cute pile of ... well cuteness. Syd seemed very happy when we got the the moon jellies. The last thing we saw was we went through a tunnel that was acrylic and you could see whale sharks, manta rays, hammer head sharks, and so many more swimming next to you and over you. I wanted to stay in that tunnel for much longer than I could. It let out into a giant aquarium where you could see everything. It was amazing. I am hoping that each year we can make a trip to the aquarium. I remember feeling very happy and I was glad I was sharing it with Orion. At the gift shop he bought me a baluga whale stuffed animal which I think I might name Niko.
After the aquarium we had lunch at the CNN food court and got ready to go to con for the first time.
I dressed up in pseudo piraty clothes... ie the black leather bodice, black skirt, and teal green chemise. Syd dressed up in piraty stuff too. So was Neal. Hoff was impressive, he had dressed up like Kassy Lynch (spelling?) from guitar hero. He had Red knee boots with 4 inch stiletto heals, black pleather pants, a black corset, arm bands, makeup, nail polish, and a white long whig. I was so impressed. I know I couldn't have done what he did with the costume. Mary went out as wolf link from twilight princess Zelda and Kim went as Midna (spelling?) from the same game. I wish I had taken pictures but unfortunately I was stupid and didnt pull my camera out almost at all.
We all headed out to the con. The hotel was .6 miles from the con so we walked slowly because Hoff couldn't walk on bricks and concrete very well. First thing we did was stop for shoes for Syd... we found a very cute store at the Peachtree street mall that is across the street from the Marriot. People kept stopping us to take pictures of the people in costume that we had.
Everyone kind of scattered (I can't remember what for). But when Syd and I were waiting around for someone one of the staff approached us for the hall contest. So we took a picture with Neal and were labeled as Medieaval Pirates :) It was fun. I saw Mike McLean for a second also. Then there was a bit of autograph getting on the part of the girly.
Eventually we got contacted by the group that Orion was in the art gallery getting art so I was a little curious what was there. When we got there we got to look for a bit and it made me so impressed. What stood out the most was an artists work that had ladies depicted for each of the seasons and they flowed into a river which depicted the season. It's hard to explain but they were gorgeous. I got a little grumpy afterwards because we had to leave before I had a chance to look at everything, Orion was a little worried that the guy at the door would think he hadn't bought the painting he had. I never did make it back to the art show. That's one of the things I do want to do next year more.
We bounced around one of the venders areas. I bought a cat collar to match my cat ears. It has a big shiny bell. Orion got Looking for Group (in hardback and then had it signed)... I am starting to read that and finding it quite amusing... I'll explain later.
After Dinner Syd and I ended up in the line for the Dr. Horrible Sing along. Her friend Gray was playing Dr. Horrible. By the time we got to the line it was around two walls of the building exterior. When it looked like we wouldn't make it in Syd called her friend. He told us that he could get us in but we had to run... So off we went... skirts flying sprinting past the enormous line. But it was worth it... I still have the songs from Dr. Horrible going through my mind and I laughed soo much. I felt a bit bad that Orion and Jason didn't make it. They had stopped to get Hoff a taxi (his feet hurt too bad after walking around in heels) and then couldn't get in due to the line.
Eventually we ended back in the hotel. There was much sillyness and laughter. I had walked so much that at one point when I got up to run after Freddie I fell down. I just stood up and then fell down. I hadn't walked in flats for so long that the hammering I did to my heels were just too much.
I think one of the really great memories was where there were Syd, Hoff, and I in one of the beds watching a movie and then Orion jumped on us acting like he was being amorous... Only then Freddie jumped on him and did the same... There was much laughing and screaming at them to get off (which perhaps was not the right thing to say).
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