Since I've got a lot more time this semester (no applications to work on, no school to keep me insane), I've decided to attempt to read 50 books this year. I plan on keeping notes of what I thought of each book as I go, and (though I'm blatantly stealing this idea from
lastandleast) after I've read 10 or so, I'll post what I've thought of them. It's going to require a lot more devotion to actually reading books than I've managed in the last few years. Typically, I end up skimming my required reading for basic comprehension in order to get through the 20 books I had to read in a semester. Since this is for my own satisfaction, I think I'll be nicer to myself than I was to my poor henpecked professors. I finished my first book of the year today, so thusly begins my foray into the world of competetive pleasure reading...
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