(no subject)

Jun 04, 2011 08:17

"Your first kiss is destiny knocking." - Alice Sebold

Literary quotes touch upon countless different themes that often fit very well with our beloved senshi/shitennou, including love, loss, fate, friendship, remembrance, past/present/future, forgiveness, and numerous others. Use something from the above site to inspire your writing!

Sign-ups are now under way and will remain open until the 22nd. Hope to hear from everyone soon!!

Please email the following information to caffeineivore[at]gmail[dot]com:

1) Your pen name
2) Email address (preferably a fandom one as opposed to a work/personal one)
3) Are you old enough to/not averse to reading smut?
4) What about violence?
5) Favourite senshi/shitennou/pairing?
6) Lucky number draw, 1-20 inclusive.

Spread the word, let's get this show on the road!!

(x-posted to several places) (graphic courtesy of covenmouse)

no fic here sorry

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