Jun 02, 2005 23:22
Guilding the Lilly ROCKED! Like, a lot a lot a lot. Everyone go see it NOW, because I will be very likely quoting it for the next couple weeks and if you want to stay in my good graces you will have to laugh earnestly at said quotes.
Also, I have decided that I MUST stop myself from doing lame quizilla quizzes and such. I don't really care about anyone elses, i just do mine because i want it to say nice things about me and I expect everyone to read my results with intrest. But NO MORE! I am excercising restraint. I am a strong human being. I will only take an internet quiz/survey if someone else specifically requests that I take it *wink wink nudge nudge if there are any particularily cool quizzes ask me to take them*, starting now and ending in three months.
Like last summer, I'm setting a list of goals for myself for over the summer. I'll find my old list and add the few that i didn't complete, as well as putting in a few special ones *yay*. This year you get to make controbutions too, so feel free.
So, in conclusion, the opro rocks, i am taking control of my life, and chris, we're sitting at table 4 for prom- sign up.
Oh! And Zach's coming to Ottawa!!!! After, like, a full year of long-distance-ness!!! (This means he beats Ben by 6 months and beats Tyler by 363 days) I'm exciited in that really pathetic girly way I get sometimes but rarely share with other people. My goodness me, what shall we do?