Mar 20, 2009 09:12
Mal’s Review of “Prince Caspian”: (With mild spoiler)
“Gandalf is a water Gandalf.” Ok, in explanation, there’s a scene where a river rises up and washes away the bad guys, and the water forms an animate shape, in this case of an old dude. Malcolm, reasonably thinking that when rivers form animate shapes and washe away bad guys, that Gandalf has a hand in it, thought the old man made of water was Water Gandalf.
My Review of “Prince Caspian”:
Edmond is hot. That is all.
My martial fashion tip from “Prince Caspian”:
If you’re going into melee, don’t wear a long dress, and bring a melee weapon for goodness sake, not just a bow, no matter how divine. The powers that be may consider it unladylike, but as they say, “those who do not live by the sword can still die on it.”
It being over 20 years since I read said book, I don’t know how much of it to attribute to Lewis, and how much to others. I remember nothing, except that when we were tweens, we used to call certain annoying people our “dear little friend” and now I know it was from Narnia.
And my quant tip for today:
It’s not really an arbitrage opportunity of there is no liquidity.