This is relevant to my interests

Nov 11, 2009 18:51

I'm bored. So here's a meme of my own devising.

What's that you say? I don't have a big enough flist to get a meme going?

Fie upon you naysayers! Yes, fie!

I shall call it The Relevant To Your Interests Meme.

You see, the internet is awesome and full of cool things. Also, the internet is lame and full of fail. We all labour mightily each day to sort the gold from the dross, and we all collect little libraries of bookmarks and links of awesome. So here is a list of links I visit every day, links I find useful or links I think are just really cool. Categorized and curated for your browsing pleasure:



This is the definitive design blog in my book. It's a perpetually evolving catalogue of the beautiful, the interesting, the quirky and the fun.


Jonathan Coulton is my internet hero. He is an unsigned, independent composer/songwriter/singer/messiah of geek rock. He up and decided one day to quit his day job and make a living giving away music for free.

And he did it.

Take that whiny Big Media and your DMCA and your stupid, ineffective, arbitrary anti-piracy software. This is the distribution model of the future.


Behold, the fount of clone fu. Remember when we sequenced the human genome? And all those other genomes? BLAST is where we keep them.

Google Scholar. Yes it does count. Just try it and you'll see.


Jezebel. Goes without saying, no?

Adam Phillips. Don't you give me that OH GAWD NOT ANOTHER FLASH ANIMATION SITE! This is not just another flash animation site. Kid is going places, you'll see.

I'm all about the web comics. Sure, I read the ones that everyone reads, but I have a special love for the awesome lesser known ones.

Girl Genius. Steampunk, snark and mad science. Starts here.

Penny and Aggie. Teenage drama. With nuance! A phenomenon unprecedented and unreproduced thus far. Starts here.

A Girl and Her Fed. A girl who is actually a drunken ninja, a cyborg government agent, a bitter talking koala and the ghost of Benjamin Franklin fight for truth, justice and the American Way. Starts here.

Girls With Slingshots. Two girls and their pals have implausible alcohol fueled adventures in the big city. Starts here.

Lovecraft is Missing. The world is big and dark and just a little too much for you, honestly. Should've stayed in Oklahoma. Starts here.

Gunnerkrigg Court. You can blame thank theredoormouse for this one. Science meets magic in the dark and secret place at the centre of things. Antimony Carver is not particularly impressed. Starts here.


Etsy. Duh. But specifically, Heather Smith Jones and Kim Westad by way of Etsy. Also, Danna Ray and Sam Tudyk. In addition to making gorgeous mixed-media paintings, she is Alan Tudyk's sister.

So what's relevant to your interests? You know you wanna share.
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