rules faq & etc.

Jun 08, 2006 16:23

before using any of my graphics please read and follow these rules.
questions asked anywhere else or already answered in this post will simply be ignored.

do i have to comment?
it's not a big thing but i do adore comments, they really brighten my day.
more comments = me wanting to make more shineh graphics, yay.

do i have to credit?
yes, i insist on it. either verilyicons or couperose, either of them will do.
if you don't know how to credit, follow this tutorial by ohpaintbrush.

what other basic rules are there?
it's extremely inconsiderate, i really work hard on my graphics so
it's nice to know people aren't using up my bandwidth or taking credit for my work.
if you want an icon edited, simply ask me and i'll do it for you.
please don't customise it yourself.

where do i affiliate with you?
comment here if you want to affiliate with me.
only non-anime graphics ljs please.

can i request an icon?
usually no, i'll specifically post up a request update if i feel like making requests.
if you're desperate though, comment on a recent entry and i'll see what i can do.

can i nominate your icons?
please do, i really appreciate nominations! just let me know in a comment.

what font did you use/who made that texture or brush?
browse my resources.

can i use your icons @ myspace/xanga/my website etc?
no, not unless you specifically ask me and i give you my permission.
even so, you must credit me somewhere on the site you are using my graphics.

where can i ask more questions/suggest improvements/contact me?
comment at this post, otherwise you can contact me @ my personal lj couperose
or at my email:

♥ beau.

faq, rules

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