Ruth, I did wind up going to the study session, so I sent you my notes.
I'm so sick of studying. x.x; I guess at this point whatever happens happens. Didn't even bother to study for Japanese because I know that's just not going to happen. :/ There's no way I'm going to be able to teach myself that entire chapter in a few hours. So I guess if I finish International Politics early tomorrow, I'll try studying a bit for Japanese. :/
Worried about my fish. :/ It hasn't been doing very well lately. I think maybe the food isn't agreeing with it very well? That's about the most I can hope for. :/ I just wish I wasn't leaving in a few days with it not doing well. But if the food isn't agreeing with it, then really the most I can do is give it some peas to help it out a bit. And I'm not certain what to do about feeding them while I'm gone... apparently it's good that they have a plant, since they can nibble on it, but that's not really substantial... and not enough for four days... But I don't think there's a vacation tablet small enough for my tank. :/ Or it's not enough for my fish. Since it's only like, a one gallon tank and it has two fish in it (and technically, you're supposed to have one gallon per fish). I was thinking of going and seeing what I can find, and then using that to feed them for a few days while I'm still here just to see how they do with it, but I haven't had time to go out and look for anything.