Got my schedule for the library, and they managed to schedule me during 2 of my hours at GW. Wtf. Just... wtf. That's amazing. ~_~; I work 3 hours at another job, and they manage to make my schedule overlap. Especially since I said I'd work evenings? o.O So I don't even know why they scheduled me for the morning for just that one day.
So yeah. I told Amin that I was working at my other job that day, and asked if he could reschedule me to the two hour opening in the evening. And he's fine with doing that, but apparently if you work at the library you're not allowed to have any other work study jobs? Which I was not informed of? Even after I turned in the paperwork that states that I'm splitting my work study between two jobs? And I should have more than enough work study, since I have $2000 for this semester. In my application I said I only had $1000, anyway, and I still only have $1000 for that job. If they want more, I can easily move another couple hundred over t to them, so that's not a problem either. O.o And it's only 3-4 hours a week that I'm unavailable. I could understand them wanting to know about schedule conflicts, but I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed. Maybe if I have two 10 hour work study jobs or something. But they let me take classes, and they're willing to work around THAT, so I don't see why they can't allow me to work 4 hours somewhere else drawing posters. Just... wtf.
But Amin's going to talk to Carol, and he tells me not to worry about it. So hopefully they'll work something out. And if not, then I mean... they'll at least have to ask me to quit the other job, at which point I can argue. Because I easily could have said "Oh, I have class during that time now." or "I'd just prefer not to work in the morning." or something, and gotten my schedule changed to work out without any problem. So, just because I felt obligated to give an excuse, I'm suddenly in trouble. Sigh.
But he said not to worry about it, so I really shouldn't. x.o; He seems really happy with the current workers and everything, so hopefully he'll be able to convince them to change the rules a bit.
I really hope they don't ask me to quit. ~_~ I want to make $100 a week. They're not giving me that, and neither is George Wilson. And there's no way for me to change my schedule for me to make that much at either job, and therefore, they should just leave me alone and let me do my work. o.O
Sometime tonight there should be House. And House makes everything better.
Otherwise doing fairly well. Rohlf is evil, but at least he finally gave me the title of a book on my topic. x.X And a few ideas of what to look for, which is basically "Okay, so here's what your question's REALLY about." Which I find... kind of odd. It's like, if I had somehow gotten some idea of what I was looking for and gone with it, I would have been completely wrong? Which just emphasizes how totally vague the question was? Apparently I'm doing a paper on industrialization and economics. Well... bleh. o.o;
... That's it, I'm going to have to make some sort of manga or story based off of Stockton criminals. Since Christmas tree guy is already becoming an OC anyway. And I know crazy lady who plotted to kill her husband with wasps is probably going to join him.
I need to track down those news articles.