Because I couldn't be satisfied with just Dragon Cave. Aren't my babies cute? *addictive personality*
My stomach is being a jerkface. This doesn't really have anything to do with anything, but it's bothering me, so I figure it's relevant.
I finished up my internship last week. Cue me flailing around and panicking about losing my training wheels and being thrust out into the big, scary world. I'm trying to be calm and cool about it. Trying, and generally failing.
Got Dead Space a few weeks ago, and beat it with little difficulty. Then again, I was playing on easy. I keep telling myself once I wrap up a few more achievements I'll try the harder difficulties. From what I understand, even the hardest difficulty is apparently not so hard as long as you know what you're doing, but it's generally my custom to play on easy on a first playthrough, until I get the hang of things. Anyway, I enjoy it. And I got into it just in time to get all excited about Dead Space 2.
I've also started another playthrough of ME2, importing another of my ME1 Shepards. It's only the second time I've played with an imported save, and the game feels like it has so much more impact for me, personally, when it's that way instead of the generic default choices and scenarios the game gives you without it. And yet, the idea of playing through every Shepard in ME1 first just so I can play with them in ME2 makes me sort of want to cry. So conflicted.
And as if all that weren't enough, my Pokemon addiction has re-awakened. I'd like to join the rest of the Pokemon players of this century by getting one of the DS ones (my most "recent" one is Sapphire). It'll have to wait, though. And then, as if that weren't enough, I made the mistake of catching a glimpse of the DSi XL and now I have some farfetched fantasy of trading in my "fat" DS for one of those sleek, big-screened beauties. Which is a joke, of course, because I think Gamestop only gives something like $25 dollar credit for my model of DS, which wouldn't put even the the tiniest of dents in the cost of the newer DS, thus still putting it well out of my price range. *cry*
On a non-gaming note,
nekokiri is on her way to California for a visit. I'm not sure what her exact status is, at the moment, but we're supposed to get together and do stuff when she gets here.
That pretty much brings things up to speed.
nekokiri has crazy mind powers. Two seconds after I posted, she called me to let me know she had arrived safely. XD