Read Richard Bach's book 'Illusions' today and last night. Friends came down over New Year and it was one of those 'I know just which book you'd like' conversations - so it seemed to help bring my feelings to a head.
I keep having lots of pressure headaches and when I meditate I can't keep my head quiet.
I think I've been dwelling on the deaths of my friends and family in the last few years (most went in January and February) and also, knowing
brain_error and thinking about her methods, its put me to wondering whether I should seek a reading.
The only reasons I can give for not doing this yet are
a) my mum is also reading lots of stuff on mediumship and Doris Stokes and this is all since her sister died. I also miss my Auntie, but I don't know if I could keep quiet about my experiences to my mum if I were to get a reading from her. Or if I should, but I don't want to upset my mum by telling her in advance just in case we don't hear from her.
b) I'm scared - I like to think I'm open minded about stuff, but I realise that this just means being non-committal. I want to find a spiritual path in time, but I'm not ready to be catapulted into some religion just because I have a single experience. I hope I don't sound too pathetic - I just know how down I can get and I have no wish to go there again right now!
Anyway, I'm still thinking about it. Anyone got any suggestions or books they could recommend, I'm listening.