Jun 09, 2009 15:46
Me and my son as explained by Astrology:
My Sun Sign is Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept 23). According to many sources, people born under this Sign are diligent and methodical. Modest and fussy, many Virgos gravitate to careers in libraries and museums. Since they are both organized and determined, Virgos are a natural choice to have on a long-term project. Because they tend to over think, Virgos will worry to excess. As perfectionists, they will also take a long time in finishing projects.
For me, the opposite Sign of Virgo is Aries (March 21 to April 21), which is my son's. Hot to Virgo’s coolness, an Aries will plunge ahead in doing new things. Dynamic and adventurous, they will overwhelm Virgo’s native modesty and reserve. Like their Star Sign symbol, the Ram, Aries are stubborn and impulsive. Moreover, the stubbornness of an Aries against the tenacity of a Virgo will result in disaster for both of them. However, if they can work together, the dynamism of Aries and the analytical skills of a Virgo will create a powerful whole.
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