Spring Cleaning: Herbs and Oils

May 04, 2009 12:00

For my spring cleaning work, I chose sage and lavender because I wanted to refresh myself and my home. After steadily cleaning my home for the past month, I wanted it to reflect the energies of spring. These herbs, in the form of essential oils, seemed to fit my needs.

Knowing nothing about essential oils, I had to learn how to use them effectively. After reading a few books on the topic, I noted their suggestions. Then, I purchased a diffuser and experimented with these two oils.

As an herb, sage cleans spaces when people use it in smudging. I was curious to see how it would work as an essential oil. In each room, I burned the sage oil daily, using the diffuser. The result was wonderful. Sage filled each room with sparkling goodness. With the stale air gone, the room breathed in freshness. The smell of sage reminded me of clothes that had been hung out to dry in the sun - a warm clean smell.

Because I have annual funks in the spring, I wanted to see how lavender could help. I sat next to the diffuser for an hour a day. Eventually, my moods evened out making me feel better. Lifting my spirits, the delicate smell told me I was loved. As I enjoyed the smell of lavender, I was reminded of warm hugs given by my favorite aunt.

Works Cited:

Morningstar, Sally, The Art of Wiccan Healing, Hay House, Carlsbad, CA, 2005.

Silver Wolf Walks Alone, Sacred Sage: How It Heals, Wolf Walk Collection, Taos, NM, 1992.

Sacred Sage Spirit Medicine, Wolf Walk Collection, Taos, NM, 2000.

Webster, Richard, Flower and Tree Magic: Discover the Natural Enchantment Around You, Llewellyn, Woodbury, MN, 2008.

cleansing, spring, grey school of wizardry, herbs

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