Dec 22, 2008 16:15
“The Circle is a manifestation of cyclic energy in the form of a vortex. This sacred time and space is separate from the world and contiguous with all other circles. The Circle is an animate universe between the worlds that we empower by our agreement.” - p.168 “Grimore For the Apprentice Wizard”
The definitions of vortex, cyclic energy, contiguous, animate, and empower have conventional meanings that forms the basis for Wiccan usage. In physics, vortex is the circular flow of liquids. For example, a whirlpool that draws into itself is a vortex. Cyclic energy is a layman’s term for the force that is generated by the vortex. I think of it as centripetal force, the external force that is required to keep a body in a curved path. This force directs the body towards the center of the arc. For example the centripetal force generated by a bucket swinging around in a circle keeps the water inside from flowing out.
In conventional language, contiguous means adjacent to or abutting to. In philosophy, contiguity is two events (objects) next to each other in time (space), that is not connected by causality. (One did not create the other.) This idea originally came from one of Aristotle’s Four Laws of Association: the Law of Contiguity - things occur near each other in time (space). They become linked together in the mind of the observer.
Empower, a legal term, means to invest power in someone in order for them to enforce a law. “To empower” means to give authority to. In general usage, empower means to give power, authority, or influence to a group (individual) for them to create their own destiny.
In every day use, animate means to give life and vigor to something. In philosophy, there is a vigorous discussion of what animate and what is inanimate. An animate object is one that is capable of achieving life and movement on its own. It is sensate, endowed with consciousness.
Wicca, which adopted many concepts from Ceremonial Magick, has particular meanings for the above terms. The vortex is the center of the Circle, drawing energy into itself. Cyclic energy is the energy formed by going around the circle clockwise. In a Wiccan Circle, the energy of the Circle is contained by centripetal force.
In actual space, this Circle is not adjacent to any other Circles. However, when the Circle is bounded, it moves outside of normal space and time, coming to rest in the Sacred Universe. There it abuts other Circles to form a universe of a Circle within Circles. Now contiguous with each other, each Circle is associated with the unrelated actions of the others.
When the participants join together, they infuse their life’s energy into their Circle. They bring their Sacred Universe to life, by animating it. Thus the Sacred Universe becomes sensate, and capable of sustaining its own life.
When the individual invests their power into the group, they enable the group to bring more power into the Circle From this beginning, the Circle’s power flows into the Sacred Universe. The group has empowered the Sacred Universe by giving it the authority over all.
In Roman Paganism, sacred space is first set apart within a square that is set up, as the Pomerium (boundary), which maintains the integrity of this Sacred Space. There, we enter into a sacral relationship between the Gods and the people. First, we ask Janus to open the door to the Gods and protect us. Then we consecrate ourselves and connect to the Sacred through prayers and offerings. Afterwards, we disconnect by making final offerings and asking Janus to close the door. Then, the space becomes ordinary again. We do not move through space to another universe, but instead create the Sacred Space through purification and offerings.
Zell-Revenheart, Oberon, “Grimore for the Apprentice Wizard”, New Page Books, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, 2004.
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