Bios of Roman Gods: Ops

Aug 18, 2008 07:47


As the Goddess of Plenty, Ops is the wealth of the harvest, as well as the abundance of the earth. She is invoked, while sitting, with the hand touching the earth. To the Romans, all their resources including the people came from Her.

This popular Goddess shares the Saturnalia in December with Saturn (who is considered to be her Brother and Consort). She is also associated with Consus, God of the Storage Bins and Harvest. Ops’ shrine on the Regia corresponded to the shrine to the Penates in the ordinary Roman household.


(offerings of first fruits are mode while wearing white)

Opalia (December 19)

(The third day of Saturnalia)



Ops Capitoline

Ops Consiva

Corn spike (wheat)- Ops the Sower (Planter)- Ops of Capitoline HillOpifera - Ops, the Bringer of Helpmilk, honey, violets, fruit and grainsOpiconsivia (August 25)

ops, religious practice, gods, roman

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