What a doubtful valentine.

Feb 14, 2009 21:21

It seems like everybody is in debating passion, start from Ecchan who performed her very best and Mitsu as the L.O. in her school. Today, unexpectedly, we have to face Labshool Unsyiah in a friendship match. The competition was amazingly fun, though some weird atmosphere surrounds us (maybe just me)--- but it doesn’t matter. And moreover, it was not a surprise at all because we have known our opposite well. That was the fellow debaters from Labschool who often join various competition held in Banda Aceh.

Actually, debaters here are countable. Plus, some of them really do have relationship each other.

They just brought one team who were going to face us twice, my team and the boys team which our prodigy Nudzran take part in. My blazing spirit of the 3rd speaker burns as the rebuttal flows. Looks like I’m already fit in that place.




For Ecchan who has waited this for centuries. Sorry if the gift does not take any shape. I planned to submit this along with Chopin's, but it seems impossible since I only finished Ecchan at this week. You could say I am really busy.


Calm down Chopin, yours are being colored. No worries.

Next important event is Flash Platinum 2009. It is the so-called Acara Akbar I told you several times before. Yayayay…


artworks, game: persona 4, event: birthday, irl: school

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