I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO TELL YOU.... 1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on...
1. How is your school life going?
Nothing much, but we're going to hold some kind of Pensi this comming March. Or it's called Acara Akbar or Annual School Event in our term. So then, we're quite busy preparing for this. Meetings are held everynight. I am one of the comittee, whose work are -again-and-again same as my StuCon rule. Publication and Documentation. I KNOW IT SUCKS AND I HAVE TO COME ALONG WITH THE SAME PEOPLE, RAWWRSS.
But that's not my main business at this moment. Debate is. I'm going to be a contestant for EDC (English Debate Contest) on our Acara Akbar -wish me luck! Almost forgot, we're having daily examinations this week. Which is a very usual things, LMAO.
2. Do you remember your first fandom? What is it?
Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball. My interest for Sailor Moon came from myself and my friends (girls, I mean) while my cousin was trying to influence Dragon Ball to me. He kept insulting Sailor Moon and insisted that Dragon Ball is way greater than it. A-and some Tokusatsu like Guyferd and Power Ranger, which aren't a major fandom but a little bit considerable.
3. What is your planning for your future?
Entering a university, what else? Take the post-graduate study abroad. Back to Indonesia with some titles, and live happily.
4. Do you have anything memorable about kecap or something? XD *not important, sorry, but I'm reaaallly curious*
Nope. Kechap was a very random name created by me.
5. What is the most thing you hate?
Hard to list them here since I dislike several things. H-hehe I'm trying. Hypocrites. Everybody should know how bad they are. They put masks and bitter truth lies under their sweet words. It's absolutely uncongenial.
Ar Tonelico 2 + Persona 4 USA = Gaming Temptation. HomePS2.Miss.You.Darling