Dammit, dammit, dammit, I'm so damn bored. Finally after one day long of sun-bathing, I had time to scratch on my tablet (and abuse it of course). This week is the busiest week of the month and today has to be noted as the most tiring day. I've taken the shower, but it is still freaking hot
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Comments 16
like wao? did i just sense a kyoya mccartney here? :3 nice term, gonna use it too sometimes *snicker snicker*
yah...berkurang deh watcher gw -A- *malah cemasin itu, dihajar ce* are u sure got into college = more free time? -w- i personally said ya if u're already at 2nd year...or 3rd :)
eniwei, yesh indeed he looks so young, but hey i'm young too *ditimpuk* fine by me, i like daun muda beybeh >3 u design from lulucu?? i thought from kanata...O_o he looks more hongo than lulu for me...
duh bang, saya varia loh, bukan cloud guardian D: *walopun ngarep* tapi emang firenya kumo. btw, si len mirip ai, bener juga lu XD RELAX BANG, SINCE MY PLOT HAS BEEN REJECTED, WE'LL SURELY GET MARRIED ASAP X3 cecchi pedo~ *kembali dibunuh*
Jadi sebenernya chino2 itu merujuk dari siapa, say? Kyon2, lulucu, ato kanata? Soalnya saya mau bikin art cecchilen juga...*whisper2* AYO KITA JOIN BIKIN ARTSITE! XDDDD SAPE TAU ENTAR BISA KAYAK BANYU?! *ngarep*
Hahaha, what's wrong with that Kyoya McCartney? I smell a Dino Bubble approaching here. LIKE WAO itu diambil dari lagunya Aly & AJ, judulnya sih 'Like Whoah' tapi gua ubah aja jadi Like Wao. Biar WAO.
I'm in the 2nd year. So i'll be graduated on next 2010.
Gua juga bukan Sun Guardian, kan yang shugosha nya si Chop-chop. Chino-chino juga bawahan kok.
Nah, this is the problem. I did try to make his appearance like Kanata, but it ended up with Lulu (;A;)
AYO BIKIN DAN NANTI KITA JUAL DOJIN! Tapi saya ga tau cara bikinnya...
Nope, ano, what i meant was if u're already in ur 2nd or 3rd year in college, that means either a junior or senior, u may say u have a nice chunks of time to spend it on ur hobby. In ur 1st year, u may not have that leisure :p but, hey, that's me. I dunno about u.
Okay, i'll verdict that chino2 has kanata's look, since i've doodled our charas (still draft...:p). Just need some time to make it into a nice clean outline. I'll post here when i'm done :)
sama gw juga D: soal jualan sih saya jago, tapi bikin dojinnya itu loh...gambar background aja aye belepetan DDDD8 Ato cecchan mau bagian ngegambarnya, saya bagian jualnya? :D
That would be very lovely. I'd like to see Chino-chino and Len-Len together in wedding array. Kawin muda euy...
Enak aja, saya yang gambar charanya, anda bikin bekgron *digantung*
S-so envious ; v ; your drawings are still awesome even thought you haven't drawn for ages. I myself couldn't draw as awesome as I did (and even my old drawings are not awesome desu .____.) I can only do scribbles at present
You've improved a lot since we met for the first time.
No, you misunderstood it. I do draw everytime, on the paper. Finish and then throw it to the nearest dustbin. Am I the only one that think my traditional drawing is worse than digital?
I hope DA goes back to normal HTML and stops using so much flash; it's nice, but bothersome as well.
So do I. I can't open it from my cellphone and it contains much errors.
toki kalah muda tampangnyaaaa~~~ XD
Berarti Toki tampangnya boros, yak... yah, yasudahlah... toh udah dapet Isaki :D *dibunuh Kecap karena udah nolak dua kali dan pamer-pamer*
Malam ini saya akan diwawancara sama Kirie buat bahan tugas bimbingan dia. Dan setelah dari tempat saya, kita akan ke tempat dia yang katanya kayak kapal pecah. <== yakin dia gak akan malu nunjukkin kamarnya setelah liat kamar saya yang parah sekali, serius.
sembunyikan Dino di kamar anda sebelom dia mengamuk
Aduh Dino~~~~ jangan marah plzzzzz~ XDDD;;
Kau satu-satunya suamiku!
Isaki cuma seme-ku! *dibom*
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