This way to the fun. |B (Asabaaaan con aka stalking tiem is nao!)

Oct 13, 2009 11:51

→Nak kata bosan, tak jugak, sebab assignment banyak gila--sampai boleh jadi nutcase kalau nak siapkan. *sighs* Navi**** pulak dah jadi even more annoying. Haih. Hmmm susah jugak eh nak blog dalam bm. :P Ok nak revert balik.←

Hahaha. Right-o, so I was ignoring some of my homework last night due to stress. Surfing the net, visiting old sites I've forgotten, and came across to a very interesting fact. This one jrock forum (for Malaysians, yaaaay!) stated that their man sponsor is LKW, my university. So I dug more info out, and found out there's this community over at LKW who jointly organises the events. So like. HOLYFUCKYES.

Finally, a decent club I can join at uni. :D I was starting to think they didn't have anything japanese-related here, boo. Ok so I guess Writing or Theater seemed pretty cool, or maybe even the English club (as long as I don't have to do speeches or public appearances lol) but my first choice is something japanese related. And seeing as Kurotsuki is related (hell they have something to do with jrock for god'ssake) I all ALL.FOR.IT.

Yay go me. Hah tgk la nanti, kalau ada interview or something, kantoi weyh. >.

Oh, maybe all those jrocker-lookalikes are in the club! Yoshikiiiiiiiiii~

Ok, so I promised pics from the Asaban fest at Tyalor's college. Not much pics, just the highlights. XD
(and because I completely fail at life, I realised I had misplaced the pics and have no idea where I saved them, so I'm taking Fieqa's pics from her fb xD Gomen! Tu lah, tak tgk kat mana save gambar, siot btul la...)

Aaaand in this corner, the bishie-like guy at the Dounjinshi booth! He's so pretty; pretty hair, pretty eyes, pretty face. *-*

I stalked him for a long time before Fieqa eventually asked to take their pics. xDDD See, see, even the lady knows we're just there for the pretty boy lmao! She's offering him to us~ >D

And if you look this way, you'll see this cosplayer, who resembles Saga if you look from the side. Their noses, man. So alike. xD

This was the part where these dorks danced and jiggled their asses on stage while some people were performing. Oh lol. Not sure if you notcied, but there's Tamaki from Ouran on the furthest right. :D The Saga-dude is next to him, wearing goddamn isocks clothes. *spazz*

Aaaand that little chubby girl on the left would be me, standing next to the oh-so-Saga-ness. xDD Btw, Fieqa did some research (you go girl, you have some serious stalker material there! 8D) and found out that the cosplayer dude, is gay. Yesssshhh. OOOH and he has a boyfriend too! Is it too much to hope that his boyfriend is a Shou look-alike? >3<~

The dorks dance again! This time, to Hare Hare Yukai (or so says Fieqa). The dude in the middle seems to be the only one who actually knows the dance, so the other cosplayers were just copying him. xD It was damn amusing.

Oh, and a side note, what with all the Saga-love I've been spamming (OHMAIGOD HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT):

Errr I guess the font's too small. Anyway, what Shou wrote in his blog (waaay waaay waaay long ago) was this: Loveless Lovemaking.
Gee, forgive me for spazzing but the title can be veeerrryyyy misleading!! Plus, the entry doesn't seem to have anything to do with love, loveless, or lovemaking. But we all know Shou needs/wants to blurt it out, so yeah. omg maybe he watches Loveless

Oh, and for some epic "It's Shou's birthday, I wanna be sappy" courtesy of Saga, here's his blog post, where he practically worships Shou. Haih, those two...and when he wrote, 'dreaming together already', does he mean, what I think he means? LOL WET DREAMS. 8D *brick-ed*

And yes, I have no life; stalking arisu's blog posts from ancient times. You could say I'm suicidal, because I have lots of homework that needs to be done.

YAY LIFE! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

anime, picspam, alice nine., daily

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