I haven't written in so long, that updating livejournal about the ticino, brussels, and everything else has become so daunting, that I don't want to write..oh the irony.
The weather here has been unusually bad and cold and wet for the season. So much so that there wasn't much point in leaving the house and that people started turning the heating back on. I stayed at home, drinking tea and back cataloguing all the books I read in 2008 on librarything. I start to like it more and more :-)
When 2008 was done and it was still raining I started on 2007 and then 2006. I'm at 2005 now. I'm working my way back through my livejournal entries. When I linked the entry to a bookcrossing entry I have an ISBN and can use that to pull the data. I love how easy it is and how good the recommendations are.
Working my way back through my journal also made me notice a few things:
- the typos, oh dear god the typos! I seem to be completely unable to spell excentric eccentric correctly and whitness and consciousness.
- i started the journal when i was first going out with t. and he's in there a lot. it was so strange to read about the relationship and breakup, now, three years later. weird. It's almost as strange reading about your first week at a then new job that you have happily left in the meantime. hindsight vision is 20/20, as they say ;-)
- I used to pull the public posts into facebook, but turned that off, because I think it's better to distribute all that private data and not keep it with a single company that shows so much disregard for my privacy. I know, the solution would be to not use facebook, but I'm not ready for that!
- On a related note, I've been wondering if I can be bothered to write here any longer, now that so many people have migrated to facebook. But it turns out I still want to: for one, I'm also writing for myself and by now also for family members (hi mum!) who are neither on facebook nor livejournal and so don't get the day to day stuff. Secondly, it's been my reading/life journal for 5 years! I've had my livejournal longer than any relationship.
Rightn ow I'm uploading "Best of Brussels" to facebook. While going through the pictures I noticed that 3/4 of my pictures are food or drinks. Mmmhmm fries. You can make your own guess where on my list of favourite holidays this ranks :)