Aug 17, 2005 18:13
whoohoo! new blogness
i finished stiff and now i'm reading stranger than fiction by chuck palahniuk. i need to go buy school books on friday, but financial aid is uber slow. it says on line that i'm completely covered for the whole year, they just haven't deposited it into my account yet. crusts. i'll just use my paycheck and then when i get the money, i'll just keep that portion and transfer the rest to the other account.
last night was fun. keith and i went bowling with kevin and jess. i'm pretty sure that i played my best game ever even though i still sucked hardcore. i want to go again though. i had the best techicolor shoes ever. i wanted to keep them. then we made some nachos which were tasty and we watched airheads because i wanted to see the guy say dick-cheese-burger.
over the weekend and yesterday, i wound up making around 120 bucks in tips, which is good because gas is lame.
there's an order for 56 platters on friday and i was like NO! so i asked for the day off because that's what a buttface i am. i really didn't want to deal with the drama.
our microwave is broken....and it messed up the circuits or something so someone had to come fix it yesterday.
the end.