This week in HMS Angstalot.

Apr 04, 2012 01:14

Yep, they still own my brain. :')

Still trying to tackle my fem!Beatty AU, which sprawls further and further and more ridiculous in my head every day. I think I've managed to get it down to three main fics: one where Beatty joins the Victory and meets Nelson and Hardy for the first time (LET THE SNARK BEGIN), a more shippy one focusing on Beatty/Hardy being awkward and adorkable around each other (which will probably end in porn, because let's face it, it's HMS Angstalot XD), and the ridiculous one where Beatty gets kidnapped by the French, which is really just a thinly-veiled excuse for BAMFing and SNARK and TROLLING and all the stuff that they do best. :DDD

Did I mention this AU is ridiculous already? Because it is. One of them, the one where Beatty joins the Victory (titles? don't got 'em, don't need 'em), seems to be attempting to take a stab at pointing out what sort of adversity a female officer would probably face (my line of thought for this AU is that Beatty somehow managed to wrangle a special dispensation to serve in the Navy, because she's just that fucking awesome), but the other two basically don't give a fuck. XD

I've written the most on the Beatty-kidnapped-by-the-French plotbunny, which is turning out even more ridiculous than I'd thought. It's still pure crack, but it's also going to have a fight between the Victory and the French ship in which Nelson and Hardy BAMF it up on deck, and a surgery scene in which Beatty BAMFs it up below. Currently watching shedloads of Master and Commander and Hornblower to allow me to bullshit my way through writing a naval fight. XDD It's at about four thousand words at the moment, and the Victory's only just clearing for action. Yeeeeah... I'll need to edit the absolute fuck out of this thing when it's over. God only knows how it's going to turn out. Carnage. Sheer carnage. XD

And in completely non-fem!Beatty-related news, I was reading that during the Trafalgar campaign, Hardy got really badly ill. So now, inevitably, my brain is just filled with plotbunnies about Nelson and Beatty freaking out and fussing all over him, and Nelson being all, "Dammit, I'm looking after him!" and Beatty being all, "FUCK OFF I'M THE SURGEON HERE." While Hardy just lies between them all bluuuuuurgh. And it all ends in tears. Or snuggles. Or sex. Or all of the above.

hms angst a lot, writing, when plotbunnies attack

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